Our unique approach to weather data analysis and visual presentation will give you a better picture of what is going on in the skies.
I created Nice Weather Days™ to show me things that no other weather forecasts provide. One thing I appreciate about our beautiful Earth is a pristine blue sky. I want to identify what days will have that "sapphire glow." However, most weather sites will just say "sunny" and not take into account faint clouds and hazy skies. Look at the pictures below. Both of these are for a typical "sunny" day forecast. Which one makes you feel better?
Persistent contrails (a.k.a. "chemtrails") are an eyesore, to say the least. However, with our site you should be able to tell when they will most likely be seen. When the upper atmosphere clarity indicator drops into hazy blue or gray, this is when contrails/chemtrails will persist (sometimes for hours) because there is so much ice in the upper atmosphere. If the ice is super-saturated, the initial ice particles will spread and "seed" more ice particles causing a "whiteout" of the sky. The sky looks listless because there is very little energy in the upper atmosphere. Lots of energy (e.g. heat or "orgone" energy) is required to melt the ice and/or make the water droplets large enough to fall as precipitation.
Learn how high atmospheric moisture creates hazy skies.
Another shortcoming of weather forecasts is they do not differentiate between the types of clouds on the forecast. I particularly appreciate beautiful cotton-puffy cumulus clouds and despise hazy, milky, soupy stratiform clouds that look listless. A forecast will say "partly cloudy" but what does that really mean? Look at the pictures below and decide which one makes you feel better.
Learn more about different cloud types.
Learn more about how cumulus clouds form.
Learn more about haze and condensation.
If the forecast says it will be 78 degrees, that sounds perfect, right? Not if you have ever been in the southeast where humidity creates that stifling, muggy feeling. If the dewpoint is 73 on that 78 degree day, you are going to be sweating bullets and feel completely lethargic. Nice Weather Days™ takes the humidity into account and color codes the temperature so you can see quickly how you would feel throughout the day. When the weather gets cold, the wind chill is also taken into account.
Learn more about humidity.
A breeze makes a hot day tolerable. You can visually see if there will be a breeze and how strong. A gentle breeze makes things feel alive outside, whereas strong gusts can make things uncomfortable in the cold.
You can see if there will be dew (blue horizontal line on the bottom of the chart). Dew is nature's way of watering plants, even if there is no rain.
Learn more about humidity and dew point.
Learn more about condensation.
6:00 pm on April 1 will feel completely different than 6:00 pm on Nov 30. Due to Daylight Savings Time, we are disconnected from the natural time of the earth. Knowing when the sun sets and rise will help you plan your days better. Another important piece of information is knowing when true noon (solar noon) will be. It may be as late as 1:30. If you are trying to optimize your vitamin D levels, knowing when the best sunlight will be available is key.
Nice Weather Days™ provides an animated forecast map of the upper atmosphere. You can see how the weather systems will be changing over the next few days.
Because the weather is such a complex, chaotic system, it is difficult to forecast with accuracy beyond 84 hours. We utilize the most accurate forecast available from the National Weather Service: The North American Mesoscale (NAM) Forecast. Other weather sites may show you a seven or even 10 day forecast, but I have found that by the time those days roll around they are completely different from what the forecast said. Forecasts for the next 24-48 hours are going to be the most accurate and dependable. Work is underway to provide a general extended forecast (up to 10 days) using the GFS model.
Currently, we are offering forecasts for the continental United States only. Work on the GFS model is underway and we will be able to offer forecasts for the entire world, starting with the most popular requests. Just visiting this website from your native country will help us gather statistics on which regions to service next.
We are currently providing for free our advanced features for climate analysis. Want to find out which places are having the best weather for an impromptu vacation? You can view a color coded map with data averaged up to 10 days (including up to 4 days into the future).
Nice Weather Days™ was designed from the start to be viewed on a mobile device. We will soon be releasing a mobile app, first for iPhone™. Purchasing the app will give you faster access to the site because you will save network bandwidth by only downloading the small data transfers. You will also not see any ads with the purchased app. The app should be available in the App Store™ in March, 2018.
I am just a computer geek who has a passion for beautiful weather. I was not satisfied with anything out there, so I studied meteorology and experimented with data analysis code I wrote until I got something that matched what I saw. I spent two years collecting observational data and one year of tweaking and refining the data analysis to provide Nice Weather Days™. I use Nice Weather Days several times a day and I wanted to share it with anyone who would like to benefit from my work.
Instead of charging subscriptions or taking donations, I just ask you to share this site with anyone! Buy the mobile app (when available) so you won't have to see ads. If you have feedback, please send mail to webmaster at niceweatherdays dot com.